Carl Gunnar Fossdal
Head of Department/Head of Research
Research on: Epigenetics, Genomics, Plant-pathogen interactions, Phytobiome, Forest health, Wood decay, Fungal enzymes
1999 Dr.Scient (PhD) in Biotechnology, NMBU (NLH), Norway
1991 Cand. Scient. (Master) in Biotechnology, Univ. of Oslo
2016-Present Head of Department Dept. Forest Health, Division for Biotechnology and Plant Health, NIBIO, Norway
2015-2016 Research Professor Molecular biology
Dept. Forest Health, Division for Biotechnology and Plant Health, NIBIO, Norway
2006-2015 Research Professor Molecular biology
Dept. Forest Health, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Norway
2001-2006 Research Scientist Molecular Biology Dept . Forest Genetics, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute (Skogforsk. NISK), Norway
2000 Researcher (3 months) Molecular Biology Biological Institute, University of Tromsø (UiT), Norway
2003 Forest Biotechnology Laboratory, Forest Sciences Centre, the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada . Travel grant from Skogforsk, Norway.
2015-present Vice President of The Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society (SPPS)
2016-present Leader Group Member. The Norwegian Plant Network
2016-present Representative EPSO for member institution NIBIO, Norway
TRACK RECORD: 61+ publications in international peer reviewed journals
Scientific/project administration:
2017-2021 PI for Phytobiome SIS at NIBIO, The Research Council of Norway (NFR) funded
2015-2018 PI for the NIBIO part of NMBU. FRIPRO project Epiclimate. NFR.
2010-2016 PI for Norwegian part of the large scale FP7 EU project ProCoGen # 289841
2010-2014 PI for the NFLI part of UMB. FRIBIO project MolMem # 191455. NFR.
2012-2015 Project leader (PI) for 2 NFLI GB projects
2002-2011 Project leader for in house Fungal and forest tree EST Database project at the Norwegian Forest Research Institute, Norway
2007 Project leader NFR project FORNY (Kommersialisering av FOU) Custom made Real- Time PCR assays for detection of fungi in building materials. #179848
2006-2007 Project leader (PI) NFR funded BILAT project to establish
Journal Reviews:
Payel Bhattacharjee Mari Talgø Syvertsen Igor A. Yakovlev Torgeir Rhoden Hvidsten Tengs Torstein Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi Marcos Viejo Carl Gunnar Fossdal Jorunn Elisabeth OlsenAbstract
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Payel Bhattacharjee Mari Talgø Syvertsen Igor A. Yakovlev Torgeir Rhoden Hvidsten Torstein Tengs Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi Marcos Viejo Carl Gunnar Fossdal Jorunn Elisabeth OlsenAbstract
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Theresa Weigl Jorunn Børve Emily Follett Ingunn Øvsthus Carl Gunnar Fossdal Hanne Larsen Siv Fagertun RembergAbstract
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