Andreas Hagenbo


(+47) 484 09 159

Ås - Bygg H8

Høgskoleveien 8, 1433 Ås


I am working as a researcher within the field of land-use ecology and soil science with questions related to climate change and functioning of boreal forests, including soil carbon fluxes and storage. I have a special interest in how land-use have affects microbial processes in soil and how this feedback on ecosystem functions that drives soil carbon cycling. Much of my work focus on temporal and spatial trends in soil carbon, and I head research efforts related to the mapping of soil properties in Norway, as well the implementation and validation of soil carbon modelling methodologies.

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Arealbrukssektoren (engelsk: Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry, LULUCF) omfatter arealbruk og arealbruksendringer, med tilhørende utslipp og opptak av CO2, CH4 (metan) og N2O (lystgass), og er en del av det nasjonale klimagassregnskapet under FNs klimakonvensjon. I oktober 2022 ble det publisert oppdaterte, nasjonale framskrivninger for sektoren (Mohr mfl. 2022), basert på data og metodikk fra Norges siste rapportering til FNs klimakonvensjon (Miljødirektoratet mfl. 2022). Som en oppfølging av det arbeidet presenteres her et utvalg sensitivitets- og usikkerhetsanalyser som illustrerer følsomheten og usikkerheten i framskrivningene for noen parametre. Dette er klima (RCP4.5 versus 8.5 og et gjennomsnitt av disse to), to utvalgte typer arealbruksendring (avskoging, og overgang fra myr og skog på organisk jord til annen arealbruk), samt inndata brukt i Yasso07.


På oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet og Landbruksdirektoratet har vi gått gjennom kunnskapsstatus på 11 ulike tiltak utvalgt av direktoratene. Alle tiltakene ligger innenfor det tradisjonelle bestandsskogbruket. Tiltakene er vurdert ut fra hvordan de kan øke skogens netto CO2-opptak (karbonlagring), men for noen tiltak også betydning for andre klimagasser og for biogeofysiske effekter som albedo. Utvalget er ikke uttømmende, og også andre tiltak gjennom omløpet vil ha effekt på skogens CO2-opptak. Potensielle substitusjonseffekter gjennom tilgang på mer tømmer eller tømmer med høyere kvalitet er ikke inkludert. Klimatilpasning har vært med i vurderingen av alle tiltak. Det er korte omtaler av tiltakenes effekter på naturmangfold.

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Soil fungi are vital for regulating ecosystem carbon balance and productivity, by driving processes related to soil carbon and nutrient cycling. The rate and capacity of fungi-mediated processes are linked to fungal biomass dynamics and identifying the drivers of fungal biomass is important for predicting ecosystem responses to environmental changes. Here, ergosterol-based fungal biomass estimates and ITS2-based fungal community composition profiles were used to assess biomass of fungal guilds. Effects of forest management (thinning), environmental factors (soil chemical properties, microclimate, weather and forest stand composition) and season were related to the fungal biomass dynamics to identify the guild-specific drivers of biomass. Biomass of most fungal guilds increased with nutrient availability (nitrogen and potassium in particular) and decreased with forest thinning, and variation in total biomass was mainly driven by variation in mycorrhizal biomass. Most fungal guilds reached a minimum in biomass during summer except for mycorrhizal and root-associated ascomycetes, which instead reached a minimum during winter. Mycorrhizal fungi and root-associated ascomycetes displayed similar spatiotemporal variability in biomass. Yeasts and moulds were the only fungi displaying strong linkages with microclimate, whereas pathogenic and moss-associated fungi largely diverged in their responses to the environmental factors. The results of our study highlight that environmental factors related to the availability of soil nutrients may have an overall stronger effect on variation in biomass of fungal guilds in Mediterranean Pinus pinaster forests than direct influences of microclimate, weather and forest management.


Forest harvest residue is a low-competitive biomass feedstock that is usually left to decay on site after forestry operations. Its removal and pyrolytic conversion to biochar is seen as an opportunity to reduce terrestrial CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change. The mitigation effect of biochar is, however, ultimately dependent on the availability of the biomass feedstock, thus CO2 removal of biochar needs to be assessed in relation to the capacity to supply biochar systems with biomass feedstocks over prolonged time scales, relevant for climate mitigation. In the present study we used an assembly of empirical models to forecast the effects of harvest residue removal on soil C storage and the technical capacity of biochar to mitigate national-scale emissions over the century, using Norway as a case study for boreal conditions. We estimate the mitigation potential to vary between 0.41 and 0.78 Tg CO2 equivalents yr−1, of which 79% could be attributed to increased soil C stock, and 21% to the coproduction of bioenergy. These values correspond to 9–17% of the emissions of the Norwegian agricultural sector and to 0.8–1.5% of the total national emission. This illustrates that deployment of biochar from forest harvest residues in countries with a large forestry sector, relative to economy and population size, is likely to have a relatively small contribution to national emission reduction targets but may have a large effect on agricultural emission and commitments. Strategies for biochar deployment need to consider that biochar's mitigation effect is limited by the feedstock supply which needs to be critically assessed.

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* In forests, ectomycorrhizal mycelium is pivotal for driving soil carbon and nutrient cycles, but how ectomycorrhizal mycelial dynamics vary in ecosystems with drought periods is unknown. We quantified the production and turnover of mycorrhizal mycelium in Mediterranean Pinus pinaster, Pinus sylvestris and Quercus ilex forests and related the estimates to standardised precipitation index (SPI), to study how mycelial dynamics relates to tree species and drought‐moisture conditions. * Production and turnover of mycelium was estimated between July and February, by quantifying the fungal biomass (ergosterol) in ingrowth mesh bags and using statistical modelling. SPI for time scales of 1–3 months was calculated from precipitation records and precipitation data over the study period. * Forests dominated by Pinus trees displayed higher biomass but were seasonally more variable, as opposed to Q. ilex forests where the mycelial biomass remained lower and stable over the season. Production and turnover, respectively, varied between 1.4–5.9 kg ha−1 d−1 and 7.2–9.9 times yr−1 over the different forest types and were positively correlated with 2‐month and 3‐month SPI over the study period. * Our results demonstrated that mycorrhizal mycelial biomass varied with season and tree species and we speculate that production and turnover are related to physiology and plant host performance during drought.