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The soil conditioner, VEAS-Biosolids, is producted through filter pressing, heating and vacuum drying of digested sewage sludge at the VEAS Wastewater Treatment Plant in Slemmestad, Norway. The sanitation efficacy for potato cyst nematode (PCN), Globodera rostochiensis, and wild oat, Avena fatua, was evaluated for the final production step, the combined filter press and thermal vaccum dryer. Germ carriers with nematode cysts and seeds of wild oat, were placed in the process vessel and also out-side as controls. The process had a 100% efficacy in sanitation of PCN and wild oat. The pre-exposure to sludge reduced viality and viability in the controls. A more complete paper with VEAS-concept is found on VEAS homepage www.veas.nu.


Artikkelen omhandler spesielt regulering og risikovurdering for bruk av nyttenematoder i biologisk bekjempelse av skadedyr.


I Norge har vi to viktige arter bladnematoder som skader jordbær: Aphelenchoides fragariae og A. blastophthorus. Sistnevnte forekommer naturlig på en rekke ugrasarter, og er særlig godt utbredt på Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge. Den fremstår som et unikt norsk problem og i juni 1996 ble det startet et prosjekt for å finne tiltak mot nematoden. Artikkelen beskriver biologi og symptomer, overlevelse og smitte, forebyggende tiltak, retningslinjer for innsending av prøver og aktuell litteratur.


Planteforsk Plantevernet får mange henvendelser om skade på plen som skyldes hageoldenborre Phyllopertha horticola. Artikkelen tar for seg biologisk bekjempelse av disse skadegjørerne med nematoden Heterorabditis megidis. Det er også en kort beskrivelse om hageoldenborrenes biologi.


I 2001 vart det funne ein ny soppsjukdom på barlind (Taxus baccata) i parken ved Norges Landbrukshøgskole (NLH). Soppen er identifisert til Cryptocline taxicola. The fungus Cryptocline taxicola was found for the first time in Norway on English yew (Taxus baccata) in 2001.


Steinernema feltiae er bruk til bekjempelse av hærmygg (Bradysia paupera) på prydplanter, f.eks. julestjerne i veksthus.  Hos julestjerneprodusenter er det registrert dårlig virkning av S. feltiae ved høye temperaturer rundt 30 grader eller mer.  I denne artikkelen beskrives et forsøk der overlevelse av S. feltiae i torvbrikketer (Jiffy-7) med stikklinger av julestjerne.  Temperaturene som ble tested var 24, 30 og 35 grader der overlevelse (antall nematoder per torvbrikkett) ble registrert etter 4, 10 og 21 dager.  Ved alle temperaturene ble det registrert redusert overlevelse over tid.  Det ble ikke registrert signifikant dårligere overlevelse ved 30 eller 35 grader.



In 2001, a zone site C, was established as a circular areas with 50 km radius and centred in Greåker close to Sarpsborg in South-eastern Norway. Zone site C is complementary to the similar zone sites A and B established in 2000. From June 2001 to December 2002, 601 wood samples were collected from 66 forest blocks, all situated within the 3 existing zone sites A, B and C. The sampling was carried out in the provinces Akershus, Buskerud, Vestfold and Østfold, but was concentrated to the South-eastern region, where 399 samples were taken from 45 forest blocks in the province of Østfold. Samples from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) formed 96% of the collected material, while Norway spruce (Picea abies) was a minor fraction. Lying trees and various kinds of detached wood formed the main part of the objects sampled. The frequency of objects showing signs of attack by wood boring insects was 44%. Some samples were also taken in Porsgrunn in the province of Telemark from a consignment of spruce imported from Russia. Nematodes were often more common in samples from objects with signs of insect activity. In four samples, all from lying pine trees, nematodes belonging to the genus Bursaphelenchus were detected. Bursaphelenchus mucronatus was recorded for the second time in Norway, and occurred in a lying pine tree attacked by Monochamus at Ombudstvedt in the municipality of Våler in the province of Østfold. The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was not detected, nor in forests or in 5 samples from spruce imported from Russia


Cereal cyst nematodes (CCN), Heterodera spp., are common pests of cereal crops in Norway. Fifteen populations were investigated morphologically, through biotests, and through electrophoretic studies, using isoelectric focusing and silver staining of proteins. In the biotest the populations were grouped by their virulence on barley differentials (resistance genes) Varde (Rha), Emir (Rha"E"), Ortolan (Rha1), KVL 191 (Rha2), Siri (Rha2) and Morocco C.I. 3902 (Rha3). Eleven populations expressed themselves as H. avenae pathotype Ha11. These were all fairly similar morphologically and electrophoretically. The biotest further suggested two populations belonging to pathotype Ha12. One of them was morphologically and electrophoretically similar to H. avenae; the other different in both respects, indicating a possible undescribed species. Two other populations appeared to be H. filipjevi, pathotype `West". One population under study was different in all aspects, morphologically, in the biotest and biochemically. Earlier studies in Norway have also indicated the occurrence of CCN pathotype Ha51. Thus, the situation in Norway regarding the CCN is very complicated.


Integrert bekjempelse av nematoder har som mål å stabilisere populasjonen av viktigere planteparasittære nematoder i en akseptabel populasjonsnivå som i langsiktig perspektiver bidrar til en positiv økonomi og en sundt miljø.