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A computer model for long-term forest management analysis is described. It is a deterministic simulation model, and provides means for a range of possible analyses; different management strategies, i.e. harvest- and silvicultural investment strategies, along with the corresponding cash flow, development of forest state and profitability. The description is accompanied by a case study, employing some features of the model, based on data covering Hedmark county in Norway, with the objective of mapping consequences for potential harvest level and net present value related to varying treatments for different border zone types.


Between 1990 and 2010 the projected emissions of greenhouse gases in Norway is assumed to increase 24%. As a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, Norway is supposed to limit the greenhouse gas emissions in the period 2008-2012 to 1% above the 1990 level.Potentially, forestry activities may contribute as a means to achieve the set target of emission reductions. The initial Norwegian views and proposals for definitions and accounting framework for activities under Articles 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol was reported to the UNFCCC August 1 2000 by the Norwegian Ministry of Environment.There was also an annex to the submission with preliminary data and information on Articles 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. This paper is based on this annex, and focuses mainly on data for forests and other woodlands. Preliminary data indicate that approximately 85% of the carbon (C) pool of forested systems is found in the soil.The major part of the annual C sequestration takes place in living biomass and soil, while sequestration in wood products and landfills etc. has been found to be of minor importance. It must be noted that the reported data are preliminary and contain large uncertainties.