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Working Ring Test (WRT) was organised in the framework of the EU Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 (`Forest Focus`) and of the UN/ECE Program `ICP Forests` in order to evaluate the overall performance of the laboratories monitoring atmospheric deposition and soil solution in European Forests, and to verify the improvement in the analytical quality as the results of the QA/QC work carried out in the laboratories which participated to a previous WRT. Seven natural samples of atmospheric deposition and soil solutions and 5 synthetic solutions were distributed to 52 laboratories, which analysed them using their routine method for the following variables: pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, sulphate, nitrate, chloride, total alkalinity, phosphate, total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon, aluminium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, total phosphorus, total sulphur and silica. For each variable, a Data Quality Objective was defined, based on the results of the previous WRT, the comparison with the DQOs of other international networks, and the importance of the variable in deposition and soil solution monitoring. It resulted that 38% of the results do not meet the DQO, showing for which variables and in which laboratories improvement in analytical performance is needed. The results of the exercise clearly show that the use of data check procedures, as those described in the ICP Forests manual for sampling and analysis of atmospheric deposition, would make it possible to detect the presence of outliers or results not accurate, and would greatly improve the overall performance of the laboratories. Some analytical methods were found not suitable to the samples used in this WRT, nor to atmospheric deposition samples in European forests, and they include outdated methods, such as turbidimetry or nephelometry for the determination of sulphate, silver nitrate titration and ion selective electrode for chloride, Kjeldahl digestion for the determination of ammonium and organic nitrogen, and colorimetric titrations for alkalinity. A detailed discussion of the analyses of total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon and total alkalinity is also provided, as they were the variables for which more analytical difficulty arose. Finally, a comparison between the results of this WRT and those of the previous exercise showed that the analytical performance of the laboratories participating in both WRTs improved as a consequence of the adoption of QA/QC procedures.


In order to investigate the influence of biological growth on flow and transport patterns in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands, bromide tracer experiments were conducted in two 3 In long tanks. The tanks were filled with light weight aggregates and shell sand, respectively. The hydraulic conductivity, drainable porosity and dispersivity of the two filter media were determined before and after biological growth. The obtained breakthrough curves of bromide tracer showed that biological growth caused a pronounced reduction in drainable porosity; mainly for shell sand whereas its effect on saturated hydraulic conductivity was negligible. The spatial distribution of the bromide after biological growth in the two filter media showed that the flow occurred preferentially along certain paths. However, in the light-weight aggregates filter medium, biological growth with possible clogging effects seems to reduce the efficiency of some preferential flow paths, increase the retention time, and hence, improves the system treatment efficiency This study showed that selecting a filter medium including coarse fractions to some extent can mitigate the potential negative effects of bioclogging. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.