NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Alexander N. Hristov Andre Bannink Marco Battelli Alejandro Belanche Cecilia Cajarville G Fernandez-Turren Florencia Garcia Arjan Jonker David A Kenny Vibeke Lind Sarah Meale David Meo Zilio Camilla Muñoz David Pacheco Nico Peiren Mohammad Ramin Luca Rapetti Angela Schwarm Sokratis Stergiadis Katerina Theodoridou Emilio M. Ungerfeld Sanne van Gastelen David R. Yáñez-Ruíz Sinead M. Waters Peter LundAbstract
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Alexander N. Hristov André Bannink M Battelli Alejandro Belanche M.C. Cajarville Sanz G Fernandez-Turren F Garcia Arjan Jonker D.A. Kenny Vibeke Lind S.J. Meale D Meo Zilio Camila Muñoz David Pacheco Nico Peiren Mohammad Ramin L Rapetti Angela Schwarm Sokratis Stergiadis Katerina Theodoridou E.M. Ungerfeld S van Gastelen D.R. Yanez-Ruiz S.M. Waters Peter LundAbstract
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Martha Irene Grøseth Linda Karlsson Håvard Steinshamn Marianne Johansen Alemayehu Kidane Sagaye Egil PrestløkkenAbstract
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Berit Marie Blomstrand Stig Milan Thamsborg Håvard Steinshamn Heidi L Enemark Inga Marie Aasen Karl-Christian Mahnert Kristin Sørheim Francesca Sheperd Jos Houdijk Spiridoula AthanasiadouAbstract
Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) may improve gastrointestinal health by exerting immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and/or antiparasitic effects. Bark extracts from coniferous tree species have previously been shown to reduce the burden of a range of parasite species in the gastrointestinal tract, with condensed tannins as the potential active compounds. In the present study, the impact of an acetone extract of pine bark (Pinus sylvestris) on the resistance, performance and tolerance of genetically diverse mice (Mus musculus) was assessed. Mice able to clear an infection quickly (fast responders, BALB/c) or slowly (slow responders, C57BL/6) were infected orally with 200 infective third-stage larvae (L3) of the parasitic nematode Heligmosomoides bakeri or remained uninfected (dosed with water only). Each infection group of mice was gavaged for 3 consecutive days from day 19 post-infection with either bark extract or dimethyl sulphoxide (5%) as vehicle control. Oral administration of pine bark extract did not have an impact on any of the measured parasitological parameter. It did, however, have a positive impact on the performance of infected, slow-responder mice, through an increase in body weight (BW) and carcase weight and reduced feed intake by BW ratio. Importantly, bark extract administration had a negative impact on the fast responders, by reducing their ability to mediate the impact of parasitism through reducing their performance and tolerance. The results indicate that the impact of PSMs on parasitized hosts is affected by host's genetic susceptibility, with susceptible hosts benefiting more from bark extract administration compared to resistant ones.
This study investigates cow behaviour when visiting two GreenFeed Emission Monitoring (GEM) units within a Part-Time Grazing (PTG) system. Two separate PTG systems were assessed in Sweden and Norway, involving Nordic Red and Norwegian Red dairy cows, respectively. In Sweden, 24 cows were allocated to treatments with restricted access to pasture, either daytime or nighttime grazing. Meanwhile, the Norwegian PTG involved 33 cows with free pasture access, categorized by varying training levels (Partially or Fully). In both PTG systems, cows were exposed to GEM units positioned indoors (Indoor) and in the grazing pastures (Pasture), with individual visitations recorded. Significant variations in visitation patterns were observed. In the restricted access PTG, Nighttime grazing access cows exhibited reduced visits to the Indoor GEM unit but increased visits to the Pasture GEM unit compared to Daytime grazing. Conversely, within the free access PTG, fully trained cows demonstrated elevated visits to the pasture GEM unit and total visits compared to their partially trained counterparts. These findings highlight the influence of temporal conditions and training levels on cow-visiting behaviour within PTG systems.
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Presentation of preliminary findings from a feed trial conducted winter 2024, where the effect of feeding lactating dairy cows a 100% ensiled grass pulp diet was measured on production parameters, GHG-emissions, behaviour and metabolic markers, compared to regular whole plant silage from the same ley and harvest dates
Context In high-latitude regions, variable weather conditions during the growing season and in winter cause considerable variation in forage grass productivity. Tools for predicting grassland status and yield, such as field measurements, satellite image analysis and process-based simulation models, can be combined in decision support for grassland management. Here, we calibrated and validated the BASic GRAssland (BASGRA) model against dry matter and Leaf area index data from temporary grasslands in northern Norway. Objective The objective of this study was to compare the performance of model versions calibrated against i) only region-specific ground data, ii) both region-specific ground and Sentinel-2 satellite data and, iii) field trial data from other regions. Methods Ground and satellite sensed data including biomass dry matter, leaf area index, and autumn and spring ground cover from 2020 to 2022 were acquired from 13 non-permanent grassland fields at four locations. These data were input to BASGRA calibrations together with soil and daily weather data, and information about cutting and nitrogen fertilizer application regimes. The effect of the winter season was taken into account in simulations by initiating the simulations either in autumn or in early spring. Results Within datasets, initiating the model in spring resulted in higher dry matter prediction accuracy (normalised RMSE 22.3–54.0 %) than initiating the model in autumn (normalised RMSE 41.1–93.4 %). Regional specific calibrations resulted in more accurate biomass predictions than calibrations from other regions while using satellite sensing data in addition to ground data resulted in only minor changes in biomass prediction accuracy. Conclusion All regional calibrations against data from northern Norway changed model parameter values and improved dry matter prediction accuracy compared with the reference calibration parameter values. Including satellite-sensed data in addition to ground data in calibrations did not further increase prediction accuracy compared with using only ground data. Implications Our findings show that regional data from farmers’ fields can substantially improve the performance of the BASGRA model compared to using controlled field trial data from other regions. This emphasises the need to account for regional diversity in non-permanent grassland when estimating grassland production potential and stress impact across geographic regions. Further use of satellite data in grassland model calibrations would probably benefit from more detailed assessments of the effect of grass growth characteristics and light and cloud conditions on estimates of grassland leaf area index and biomass from remote sensing.