Invertebrate Pests and Weeds in Forestry, Agriculture and Horticulture
The department has the largest collective expertise within weeds, insects, mites and slugs in Norway. We perform Research, Development and Innovation within the field of biology and management of weeds and invertebrate pests in agriculture, nurseries, Christmas tree plantations and green areas.
Our research group is widely internationally oriented and works with the following topics:
- Diagnostics of weeds, invertebrate pests and beneficials.
- Biology, ecology and management of weeds and invertebrate pests.
- Interactions between plants (weeds and crop), invertebrate pests and their natural enemies.
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) including: Management of pesticide resistance. Development of pest warning models and sensor technology for precise pest management.
- Alternative pest management methods: Biotechnical methods (chemical ecology etc.), biological control, mechanical control (barriers, removal etc.), preventive measures (crop rotation, healthy plants etc.).
- Agronomic efficacy testing of chemical and biological control agents.
- Quarantine pests and invasive alien species.
- Use our competence on weeds and invertebrates in other fields than plant protection: biodiversity, vector management, pollination ecology, bioactive compounds, and insects as a protein source in food and feed.