National Land Resource Map
NIBIO collects data about Norway’s land resources and presents this in various maps with different levels of detail, adapted to different benchmarks. The National Land Resource Map AR5 is the main product. The other maps are, to a large extent, based on information from this map.

The Source (Kilden)
The Source is NIBIO’s primary map service. Here, most of the Institute’s geographical data is gathered in one place, alongside a selection of other relevant national data sets.
In The Source, the data sets are sorted into five disciplines: Land Information (displayed at start-up), Landscape, Soil, Reindeer Herding and Forest Portal. The user selects the discipline, followed by which map layers should be displayed and in what order.
Map layers can be made transparent in order to view multiple comprehensive map layers simultaneously. This allows one to view, for example, land types from AR5 together with aerial images. All map images can be saved or printed.
Farm Maps (Gårdskart)
This map provides area figures for selected agricultural properties. The map service is intended for Norwegian agricultural administration and for the owners and users of agricultural properties, but it is open for all.