NIBIO has around 700 employees organised in five scientific divisions and four staffs. We are localised all over Norway. Please search by name or find employees according to which department, division and/or localisation they belong to.
Magnhild Berge
Division of Food Production and Society
(+47) 995 60 939 magnhild.berge@nibio.no Office Location Apelsvoll
Natasja Bours
Senior Adviser
Økonomi og prosjekt
(+47) 480 51 213 natasja.bours@nibio.no Office Location Apelsvoll
Torkel Gaardløs
Division of Food Production and Society
(+47) 404 84 592 torkel.gaardlos@nibio.no Office Location Apelsvoll
Jakob Geipel
Research Scientist
Division of Food Production and Society
(+47) 915 66 289 jakob.geipel@nibio.no Office Location Apelsvoll
Chloé Grieu
Research Scientist
Division of Food Production and Society
(+47) 903 65 883 chloe.grieu@nibio.no Office Location Apelsvoll