Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre
The Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre coordinates expertise and activities regarding the conservation and utilisation of national genetic resources. The centre has been commissioned to contribute to the effective management of genetic resources in farm animals, crops and forest trees. It also acts as an advisory body to the Norwegian Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
The Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre was established by the Ministry of Agriculture an Food as a part of Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). The centre is the secretariat for three genetic resource committees on farm animals, crops and forest trees, respectively. In cooperation with these bodies, the Genetic Resource Centre prepares and follows up action plans for the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources native to Norway.
Furthermore, the Genetic Resource Centre coordinates activities and priorities linked to genetic resource management and communicates knowledge about the genetic resources and how they can be safeguarded through use and specific conservation measures. The Genetic Resource Centre follows up these efforts in Nordic and international bodies, and coordinates national and Nordic work on genetic resource management.