Fungal Plant Pathology in Forestry, Agriculture and Horticulture
This department includes the largest group of experts within plant pathogenic fungi and oomycetes in Norway.
In addition to a national R&D responsibility for fungal diseases in all agricultural crops (agronomic crops, horticultural crops, Christmas tree production, green areas), the section also has responsibility for agrometeorological services.
Important themes and tasks are:
- Diagnostics of fungi and oomycetes.
- Biology and epidemiology of fungi and oomycetes.
- Testing of chemical and biological fungicides, surveying for fungicide resistance.
- Integrated plant protection: Developing models and warning systems for important diseases; alternative control measures, including physical and biological methods.
- Quarantine species and new invading species.
- Fusarium and mycotoxins in cereals.
- Use competence on fungi and oomycetes outside traditional plant protection, including exploitation of bioactive compounds and development of plant protection of marine plants.