NIBIO is a project driven research institute and collects approximately 400 million NOK annually in project funding from both national and international sources. A lot of activity is carried out through EU and EEA-projects and we also participate in research projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. NIBIO coordinates several large international projects with a particular focus on food security and climate change. The list of projects is not complete.

IRSES-IMTA: An international Research Consortium for promoting and developing Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture

PhytoMilk-Potential improvement of the salutary effects of organic milk by forage species and by supplementation

International management of seal. Innovations for a new seal market.
On May 5th 2009, the European Parliament passed through a legislation that imposed a ban on import of all seal products to the EU. Exceptions were made for products stemming from traditional Inuit hunt, tourist import and products from measures implemented to maintain marine resources, including fish stocks.