NIBIO joins a new European forest organization

Johannes Breidenbach from NIBIO was recently elected to the board of the newly established ENFIN association. Photo: Erling Fløistad
European National Forest Inventories join forces for European forest monitoring and create ENFIN Association.
More than 30 European organizations in charge of National Forest Inventories (NFIs), have worked in collaboration since 2003 through a voluntary network: the European National Forest Inventory Network (ENFIN).
− National Forest Inventories represent the most comprehensive, reliable, large-scale forest monitoring systems, says Johannes Breidenbach, a research scientist at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research in Ås, south of Oslo.
−In the context of growing climate change impacts on forests and increasing human expectations on forests, NFIs have to further develop forest information both at country and European levels.
Breidenbach explains that the establishment of ENFIN is based on their experience and willingness to strengthen the role the network has been playing for many years in developing science, technology and governance at European level.
The members established ENFIN association formally on October 14th. The association is registered under French law and the office will be established in France.
− The ENFIN Association will work towards better harmonized forest information and help NFIs collectively contribute to European and international debates in a broad range of forest related policies, Breidenbach says.
− ENFIN’s vision is for a Europe where forests thrive and hence contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.


ENFIN AssociationFacts about ENFIN
The association will work towards European Forest Monitoring by providing a discussion forum for bodies responsible for NFIs in Europe and strengthening their outreach through enhanced visibility and credibility to their products that support the development of forest related policies.
ENFIN’s core values are transparent approach and scientific rigour to its work while serving societal needs.
At the first and founding meeting, 18 organisations became members of the ENFIN association and several other European NFI organisations are on their way to join the association.
ENFIN Association also offers partnership for other organisations that want to promote the aims of the association.
Enfin Associataion founding organisations
Austria – Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape
Denmark – Ministry of Green Transition
Finland – LUKE
France - IGN
Germany – Thünen Instititute
Iceland – Land and Forest
Ireland – Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Food and Marines
Italy – Academy of Forest Sciences
Latvia – State Forest Research Institute (SILAVA)
Lithuania – State Forest Service, NFI department
The Netherlands – WENR
Norway – Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Poland – Bureau of Forest Management and Geodesy
Romania – National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry
Slovenia – Slovenian Forest Institute
Sweden – SLU
Switzerland – Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL
Ukraine – Ukrainian State Forest Management Planning Association