Lars Johan Rustad

Senior Adviser

(+47) 911 27 954

Ås O43

Visiting address
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås


Agriculture in Latvia has been going through major reforms since 1991. State farm ownership exists only in a negligible quantity only for research and training purposes and most of the land has been returned to its previous owners, or their descendants, from the times before collectivization. During the Soviet period a number of collective farms were established. Most of these still exist, but the legal form has been changed and they operate on private owned land. Also new ones have been formed. As a result of the agricultural reforms, the accounting, tax and statistical systems that had been established in the old structure were no longer applicable. An urgent need thus arose for the development of new systems for the large number of new family farms. NILF became involved in this work on initiative of the Agricultural University of Norway (NLH), which at that point was cooperating with the Latvian Agricultural University, and was already planning several projects in Latvia in 1993. In cooperation with the Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics (LVAEI), NILF was to assist in the development of systems for collecting and making use of financial data for individual farm management and the development of Latvian agricultural policy. The project received financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Program for Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe, and got under way in the summer of 1996. A project unit was established within LVAEI, which was responsible for all work regarding farm statistics. This included the establishment of farm statistics, adaptation to the European Union's Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), as well as systems for farm planning. The adaptation to FADN received some support and training assistance from a Danish project. NILF's project constituted the major part of the LVAEI project unit, both with regard to work load and funding. From the Norwegian point of view, the cooperation with the Latvian project unit functioned extremely well, and the unit has continued following the completion of the project. [...]