Division of Forest and Forest Resources
Strengthening the National Carbon Monitoring Center (NCMC) and GHG accounting system in Tanzania

End: dec 2022
Start: jan 2015
In January 2016, Tanzania launched a national carbon monitoring centre (NCMC) at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro. The main purpose of the centre is “to build national capacity to measure, verify and report adequately on carbon emissions at national and international level”. NIBIO is the major technical partner to assist Tanzania’s NCMC, and has taken part in the development and establishment of the centre.
More information
National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC)About the REDD+ funds in Norway
In Norway, the REDD+ funds are administered by Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), through several multilateral and bilateral initiatives including the Brazilian Amazon Fund, Congo Basin Forest Fund, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and Forest Investment Program. After years of negotiations, REDD+ is now a standalone Article (Article 5) in the Paris Climate Agreement.
Status | Active |
Start - end date | 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2022 |
Project manager at Nibio | Belachew Gizachew Zeleke |
Division | Division of Forest and Forest Resources |
Department | Forest and Climate |
Partners | Sokoine University of Agriculture, NIBIO |
Total budget | 37000000 |
Funding source | Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Climate and Environment. The funds are administered by the Norwegian embassy in Dar es Salaam. |
A functional monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system, will be a key milestone for the success of REDD+, as a climate policy. NCMC at its first phase had the goal of establishing a national centre with a scientific capacity which facilitates and coordinates a national, as well as sub-national level Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) from the LULUCF sector in Tanzania. With a semi-autonomous status, and formal recognition and mandate, NCMC is hosted at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)-headed by Prof Eliakimu Zahabu. The centre is twinned with the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), and partners with other international centres of excellence for MRV related research and technical development.
After successful completion of the first phase (2015-2019), a second phase (2020-2022) is initiated with an expanding goal of not only MRV for REDD+, but also building a national capacity for GHG accounting for all sectors, to enable Tanzania actively participate and benefit from possible future international carbon trading mechanisms while reducing greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors.
The specific objective of the centre is “to build national capacity to measure, verify and report adequately on carbon emissions mainly from the Forest and LULUCF sector at national and international level.